Mind Status = Blown

Well, I am officially back to campus after what feels like a crazy weekend.
Oh wait….it was crazy! It was nuts actually.
Youth rallies have always been something I've enjoyed. I've enjoyed attending them as a student myself, but I have loved being on the leadership side of them too and this one just totally blew me out of the water. Here at Kingswood it has always been a dream of one of the admissions counselors to have multiple youth rallies around Maine and Atlantic Canada, and to see that dream come to life is mind blowing in itself.
Our rally this weekend was in Houlton, Maine and it was such a blessing to be in my state and so close to home. It was awesome to see students I had met at summer camp over the years and to catch up with them once again. There were a ton of skits, dramas, dances, and really awesome truths given by the speaker with times for the students to respond.
People, I’m sure, will ask me what the best part of my trip is but I don’t necessarily have a favorite part. All of it was good, and I know that might sound like a cop-out, but in all honesty that is how I feel. One of the better moments, however, was when the speaker gave a call before he started to have students come up and be prayed for for whatever they wanted no matter how big or small.
A girl in grade seven who I knew came forward and I went and knelt with her. I asked her what she wanted prayer for, and she said she wants to see her mom and dad come to know the Lord. I could have cried and jumped for joy all at the same time, because I know who her parents are and that just made my heart so happy. It made my heart happier that  she and her sister want to see them come to know the Lord because they are not so approving of them going to youth group.
I prayed for her, and went back to my seat and prayed again for that request. As I was going to bed I prayed for it again, and I will pray and pray and pray until I see this come to pass no matter how long it takes!
Do I have homework still left to do that should have been done before I left? Yes
Am I exhausted? Of course!
Is my heart filled with joy? You better believe it.
I am blown away by the amazing work of God in Houlton this weekend and I cannot wait to see Him continue that work in not only the students, but the leaders. It was a blessing to be a part of something that is life-changing, and I would not have wanted to be anywhere else this weekend.
Why do I do what I do? Why am I so passionate about youth ministry?
It is because of the people I get to work with, the lives I get to impact, and the hearts that get changed by the immeasurable love of God.


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