I Want God

Today was our day where students don’t have classes. Instead, we have Pulse days where we bring speakers in or go out into the community so that we may make our hearts beat with God the Father. Today we had a Sabbath day, or rather a Sabbath practices day, in which we talked about prayer. We heard quotes, and listened to a clip from Mark Batterson’s book the Circle Maker. After, our Pulse director told us a story about how he had a friend when living in New Zealand who cleaned while they prayed together.
And that’s what we did.
They sent us off to our rooms to clean them, but he challenged us that while we cleaned to be in a prayerful mode with music in the background if we wanted. As I was cleaning there was just one thought running through my head and my heart that I have been thinking about since this morning:
I want God.
But you already have Him because you prayed the prayer! You already have Him because you consider yourself a good person! That’s not enough.
It’s not enough for me anymore to simply say I have God in my heart and He gets me through life because I’m not perfect but He is. It’s not enough for me anymore to simply tell people I’m a Christian if I’m not living it out. It is simply not enough.
So how do I fix it? Well read your Bible and pray. Yeah okay good church answers, but that is only the start. I want to encounter God on a level I never have before. I want to Hear that still small voice in the midst of my chaotic university life. I want to see Him use me to change lives through the power and boldness that only comes through the Holy Spirit. I want every place my feet touches to be shaken by the power and authority I have been given that raised Christ from the dead.
This is how I want God.


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