Great and New Beginnings

All I wanted to do was change the domain on my old blog, but instead (after an hour of frustration) I just started a new one. I’ll make the disclaimer that I am no good at writing so please bear with me and my improper use (or overuse) of commas, and poor writing skills.
If you can look past my disclaimer, this is a place for me to share with those who are interested about my second year at Kingswood University in New Brunswick. God has been blessing me tremendously, and I have been expressing that for a long time, but there is a part of me that wants to share these blessings with those who are outside of the “bubble” on top of the hill.
If you are reading this, I’m excited that you want to share in this journey with me, and I hope I can be of some encouragement to you. This is not going to be  a diary for me to spill my secrets out, and it is not a place for me to seek counsel for things I am struggling with. I simply want to it to be a place where I can share my heart and share the amazing things God is doing in my life and on our campus. Yes there are going to be days where it might be “ugly”, but if you are finding yourself going through the same thing, I can only hope my words will allow you to press on and be able to rejoice when victory comes (1 Corinthians 15:57)!
Blessings to you my friends! Happy Sabbath    :):)


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