Internship Update: I Survived My First Week!

Well Ladies and Gents, I officially survived my first week of internship!

Let's have a little recap shall we:

Saturday: Arrive in Nova Scotia (So surreal; I was freaking out)
Sunday: Be introduced to the church (Even more surreal; I was excited)
Monday: Have my first staff meeting (Oh yeah...things are gonna be great!)
Tuesday: I was still trying to wrap my mind around being here
Wednesday: First night of youth group (My favorite!)
Thursday: Day off (I vegged to the max...judge me!)
Friday: Marvel at the fact that my first week had already come to an end.

I don't know about you, but I'm wiped just typing that....and filled with excitement for what the next few months are going to hold for me while I'm here! There was much nervousness, uncertainty, and doubt when I first got here but the more time I'm here, the more time I'm getting my hands dirty, the more I am loving what I get to do and the more comfortable I feel; it's like I belong here.
My heart is happy.

Aside from the excitement and comfort and joy, there is still so much to be learned because learning doesn't end right?

So here's to learning! Yes, there is much to learn about policies and procedures. Yes, there is much to learn about conducting yourself from the platform or how to create programs or run programs.

But here's to learning how to love. And to love well. And to love well even when I'm not getting my way or someone won't take my ideas or value my opinions especially when it's a person I am desperately trying to love. And even when I breathe a sigh (it's more like a huff...or a it what you want) of frustration, there is still that twinge in my heart that sends the words "Love one another as I have loved you"  to my brain, and I remember that nothing I am capable of doing has any meaning to it if first I don't have love.

So here's to celebrating an incredible beginning to a whirlwind of emotions and challenges I will face.
Here's to celebrating the art of learning in a new season, and learning one of the most important skills a person can have: loving well.
Here's to celebrating a GREAT God who continuously blows my mind with how much he loves me, even though I'm a poop 99% of the time (99.99 on a good day).

Love well friends. We love because He first loved us.


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