Finding God in the Ordinary: An Unexpected Gift

Today I had an unexpected gift left for me by a guest I've never met or interacted with at the hotel.

Yesterday I cleaned a room for a gentleman who checked out today. As I was straightening up the bed, I noticed a devotional book on the nightstand that said, "The One Year Christian History". Being nosy like I am I casually picked up the book and leafed through it. It was a one-year devotional set up like the Bibles we had in youth group a little while back about people who have surrendered their lives to Christ and made history because of it; people like Adoniram Judson, Willliam Wilberforce, and Blaise Pascal. I put the book back on the nightstand, finished tidying up the room, and left a simple note that read, "This seems like a really cool devotional! Enjoy the rest of your stay at the Hampton! -Housekeeping".

During one of our breaks today, the girl in charge of cleaning this room asked me if I had cleaned it yesterday. I answered yes and she informed me the guest staying in that room left a book for me with a note attached to it in response to my note from yesterday. Giving her a puzzled look at first, I slowly started to understand what she was talking about. After our break I went upstairs to get the book and realized it was the devotional I picked up just the day before.

I leafed through the book to find a note that read:
"Please give this devotional to the housekeeper who wrote the following note. This is a great devotional, and I would love for you to have it! I have enjoyed reading through it for a few years now. Thank you for keeping my room cleaned this week!" -Dan
To anyone else this might seem insignificant, but for me this is how I find God in the ordinary of what seems like a mundane life. There are so may incredible people who have done incredible things for God's glory throughout history, and there is no telling what inspiration could come from this simple gift from a stranger named Dan from who knows where! I am grateful for this simple gift, and I am even more thankful that I continue to find God in the ordinary.


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