Adventure Awaits

June 29, 2015:

I posted a screenshot of a countdown timer that showed 195 days to go until the start of my spring semester internship.

January 8, 2016:

I sit here writing with a mere 12 hours to go until I pack up our car and head to Nova Scotia for a crazy life adventure. I am terrified, anticipatory, and whatever synonyms can possibly accompany the word "excited" in the entirety of the English language.

My heart leaps for joy and excitement for my friends whom I have already seen post about being at (or are currently en route to) their internship destination and I am so proud to see how far we've come as a class together, and how fast this time has come upon us; coming from the girl who started school mid-year and technically wasn't supposed to graduate until next spring :)

God is mind-blowing. God is faithful. God is a good, good Father.

Friends (those of you who care to read my sporadic and jumbled thoughts), thank you for journeying with me thus far. I pray you will continue to journey with me on this new adventure of my Kingswood career, and also an adventure of my everyday life.

Adventure awaits. May all the glory be given to God the sustainer and giver of Joy.... and may he calm my nerves because I'm kind of sort of really freaking out :)


  1. Oh, Alecia!!! I am so excited for you. You are gonna do great. Just keep pursuing the Lord as I've watched you do over the past 8 years. (Whoa! 8?! Crazy. Seems like you were just a mildly sassy 7th grader.) I know you will learn so much and grow so much and I can't wait for all the details! In fact, feel free to email me. Regularly. Love you, sister in Christ


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