The Culture of Christianity
I'm still not exactly a fan of this twenty-something stages of my life. But I still have about 8 years to go so I will make the best of it! To be completely honest, however, as I reflect on being a part of my generation of young adults (anyone from 18-35 in my opinion), I can't help but think that we are quite an interesting bunch of young people.
We've got our top "20 reasons why" you should or shouldn't date a specific type of person, and we are continually moving through a different way to do politics; we don't like going to work, but we need to money to be out with our friends each night; we hate living at home still (if you do), but having our own place means actually being an adult :) What I have found to be the most prominent of people my age, whether through my own observations or conversations with other people, is that we have entered into a different and new era of Christianity that has become more of a cultural fad instead of a life-changing, people oriented community of believers who stand for walking in justice and mercy before God.
Church has become social club time; relationally we have formed a "get in, get out" mentality without making deep connections with those around us; and volunteerism doesn't happen as often or at all as it should because we are simply "too busy." It's okay and it's cool to know God (cognitively of course), and to have a relationship based on conditions, not one based the saving knowledge that God is who he says he is because, well, that would be too personal.
"I want God in my life but only to the point where I don't have to give up anything I like doing, or change my habits, or the group of friends I hang out with." This is the mindset it seems young adults have developed. So Church what are you doing about it?
So young adults, what are you doing about it?
Some say that middle and high school are the most formative years of our lives, but I think this season is that formative period of time. God has placed us in such a unique position when we enter into the stage of young adulthood. It's time that we (myself included) take responsibility for our actions and own up to allowing ourselves to create this cultural fad of Christianity. It's time that we take responsibility for not waking up to the realization that we (myself included) have created this culture where we just don't give a rip that our friends and classmates and family members and co-workers are falling through the wayside. We have simply become too comfortable living our lives and have stopped caring about reaching the lost to pursue our own agendas and our own pleasures.
Let us take responsibility for a culture which we have created. Let's step up to the plate and show those around us that we're not okay with just sitting through another service or going to another awkward church gathering/function because we're so awkward no one knows what to do with us. Let us learn what it looks like to love and to serve and to hear God's voice calling us to something incredible in this period of our lives as we wait on Him for our next step in life. Let's stop creating a culture and start creating community.
So Pastors and the Church, what are you doing about it?
Church, are you aimlessly and almost nonchalantly disregarding the young adult population of your church by simply letting them figure out Christianity on their own? Are you ignoring the chance and opportunity you have to be a mother or father figure in a young adult's life, and lead them like you would your own children?
Pastors, what we don't need is another sermon series on what it looks like to be a godly spouse or mom and dad because the majority of young adults in the church (roughly 30-40%) are single, and aren't facing the same challenges as a young family. We need you to stop treating us like a completely different breed of human beings and like you don't know where to put us because we're in such an awkward stage in our lives.
Our generation is hurt and hurting and needs those older and wiser than we are to come alongside us and show us where we need to be and what we need to be doing.Church, what we need is people like you to take us under you wings and show us what it looks like to treat our spouse with love and respect; we need people like you to show us what it looks like to love your children well even when they color on the walls or make a mess in the kitchen; we need people like you to show us what it looks like to be a man or a woman after God's heart, to walk in his faithfulness and promises when things in our lives aren't going the way we expected them to.
Pastors, what we need is people like you to teach us the truths of the Word of God as it relates to our lives as well as the 50 or 60 year old sitting next to us in the service. What we need from you is the truth of the Gospel in our lives. What we need from you is practical application of evangelism and discipleship through the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that we might be saved and live our lives on mission day in and day out wherever we are.
What we need you to be is a system of support and encouragement and guidance during this period of our lives. To meet with us, to do life with us, to embrace us in the moments when we need our church family the most.
Let's stop being a culture, and start being a community.
We've got our top "20 reasons why" you should or shouldn't date a specific type of person, and we are continually moving through a different way to do politics; we don't like going to work, but we need to money to be out with our friends each night; we hate living at home still (if you do), but having our own place means actually being an adult :) What I have found to be the most prominent of people my age, whether through my own observations or conversations with other people, is that we have entered into a different and new era of Christianity that has become more of a cultural fad instead of a life-changing, people oriented community of believers who stand for walking in justice and mercy before God.
Church has become social club time; relationally we have formed a "get in, get out" mentality without making deep connections with those around us; and volunteerism doesn't happen as often or at all as it should because we are simply "too busy." It's okay and it's cool to know God (cognitively of course), and to have a relationship based on conditions, not one based the saving knowledge that God is who he says he is because, well, that would be too personal.
"I want God in my life but only to the point where I don't have to give up anything I like doing, or change my habits, or the group of friends I hang out with." This is the mindset it seems young adults have developed. So Church what are you doing about it?
So young adults, what are you doing about it?
Some say that middle and high school are the most formative years of our lives, but I think this season is that formative period of time. God has placed us in such a unique position when we enter into the stage of young adulthood. It's time that we (myself included) take responsibility for our actions and own up to allowing ourselves to create this cultural fad of Christianity. It's time that we take responsibility for not waking up to the realization that we (myself included) have created this culture where we just don't give a rip that our friends and classmates and family members and co-workers are falling through the wayside. We have simply become too comfortable living our lives and have stopped caring about reaching the lost to pursue our own agendas and our own pleasures.
Let us take responsibility for a culture which we have created. Let's step up to the plate and show those around us that we're not okay with just sitting through another service or going to another awkward church gathering/function because we're so awkward no one knows what to do with us. Let us learn what it looks like to love and to serve and to hear God's voice calling us to something incredible in this period of our lives as we wait on Him for our next step in life. Let's stop creating a culture and start creating community.
So Pastors and the Church, what are you doing about it?
Church, are you aimlessly and almost nonchalantly disregarding the young adult population of your church by simply letting them figure out Christianity on their own? Are you ignoring the chance and opportunity you have to be a mother or father figure in a young adult's life, and lead them like you would your own children?
Pastors, what we don't need is another sermon series on what it looks like to be a godly spouse or mom and dad because the majority of young adults in the church (roughly 30-40%) are single, and aren't facing the same challenges as a young family. We need you to stop treating us like a completely different breed of human beings and like you don't know where to put us because we're in such an awkward stage in our lives.
Our generation is hurt and hurting and needs those older and wiser than we are to come alongside us and show us where we need to be and what we need to be doing.Church, what we need is people like you to take us under you wings and show us what it looks like to treat our spouse with love and respect; we need people like you to show us what it looks like to love your children well even when they color on the walls or make a mess in the kitchen; we need people like you to show us what it looks like to be a man or a woman after God's heart, to walk in his faithfulness and promises when things in our lives aren't going the way we expected them to.
Pastors, what we need is people like you to teach us the truths of the Word of God as it relates to our lives as well as the 50 or 60 year old sitting next to us in the service. What we need from you is the truth of the Gospel in our lives. What we need from you is practical application of evangelism and discipleship through the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that we might be saved and live our lives on mission day in and day out wherever we are.
What we need you to be is a system of support and encouragement and guidance during this period of our lives. To meet with us, to do life with us, to embrace us in the moments when we need our church family the most.
Let's stop being a culture, and start being a community.
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