You Are Compelled

Sometimes, a good majority of the time, I don't like to do the things that I'm told I need to do. My response in a jokingly way is usually, "No! I do what I want!" but sometimes that's actually my mentality.

I find this is the hardest part of my Christian walk: learning what full and total surrender to God's Will for my life really means. But when I'm not getting my own way or things aren't working out the way I want them to, I always seem to find myself circling back to the idea that full surrender can only come from fully abiding in Christ; and Jesus never said abiding was easy

"...for apart from me you can do nothing."

Nothing. Not one single thing can be done unless you are fully abiding in Christ, and sometimes abiding means letting a dream die so that new things can start to grow. Sometimes abiding means burying pride underneath a thick layer of the desire to be the branch that bears much fruit as a result of this life of "menō"; abiding, remaining, waiting.

Even in writing, my tear-stained face is showing remorse about letting a dream and desire die because I would rather choose to abide in Christ rather than follow my own plan. The tears came as a result of words in a book which read:
"As the Father asks, 'Can you trust Me for just this one day to keep you abiding in Jesus, and Jesus to keep you fruitful?' you are compelled to give the joyful response: 'I will trust and not be afraid.'"
I am compelled to give a joyful response.
I am compelled to trust and not be afraid.
I am compelled to do so because of my desire to remain in the One who holds fast to me.
I am compelled to abide in Christ.


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