I'm Ready to Change the World

I'm going to sound a little cocky for a second, probably a little arrogant too, but I'm going to say it anyways:

I'm ready to change the world.

I'm done being at my $3.75/hour job doing the same monotonous thing over and over again,
I'm done living in a small town with nothing to do ever,
and I would really like to be done with the season in my life of waiting, even though I haven't grasped the fullness of this season quite yet.

I am very thankful for the mentors I have in my life, and I am thankful that they see the potential I have in me, even potential to change the world, so I'm ready to put that potential to use. My heart is restless and anxious, and full of excitement for where God is going to put me next, but this waiting game quite frankly sucks.

A good friend and mentor of mine said to me the other day, "You can be safe or significant, but not both." Wow. Those words are definitely sticking with me for the rest of my life. There was a point in my life after I graduated high school that I was all gung ho for taking risks and doing crazy things for God's glory, and now I'm wondering where all that excitement went. I'm sick of playing it safe in my small little town and not doing anything to change that, which means I'm ready to start being significant somewhere else.

I understand the cliche that I can be a "light" wherever I go, but I'm sick of Christian jargon too and Christians need to cut it out. Finishing school is my number one priority for now, but after my season at Kingswood is done,

I'm ready to take risks, be significant, and change the world.


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