Time Flies
One year ago today, I took a risk.
One year ago today, I experienced life for ten days through other people’s eyes, and through God’s eyes at that.
One year ago today, this small town girl hopped on her first plane (ever!) bound for a country that she only dreamed she would be going to, and had her heart shattered into a billion tiny pieces.
If you know me at all, you know that this time last year I was bound for the island of La Gonave, Haiti. It was an experience that I cannot even imagine to describe in just a few words without having to tell about all I saw, felt, and experienced. This morning, I am joyful for the opportunity to have stepped out of my circle of comfort and dive head first into the world of missions.
This morning, I am astonished at how fast a year has gone by, but hey time flies when you’re having fun! Sadly, that trip went by far too quickly.
This morning, I smile and laugh to myself as I reminisce about the people I was able to meet who were missionaries and workers, and how I bonded with members from my church in a new way that I would not have thought could happen considering I was the youngest out of 20 people.
This morning, regardless of the condition of the United States of America, I am proud to be an American citizen and have the benefits and opportunities we so often take for granted because we are spoiled rotten.
This morning, I am thankful, and I am blessed beyond belief.
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