Your Promises

At church this weekend, we sang a song called "Your Promises". It was a song that talked about not relying on what you feel or see, but resting on God's promises because they are the hope we have in him. The bridge of the song went like this:

"You will always be more than enough for me. 
You will always be more than enough for me. 
Nothing's gonna stop the plans you made, 
nothing's going to take your love away. 
You will always be more than enough for me." 

We sang through the bridge of that song a few times, and while we were singing I had to stop myself for a bit and ask myself this question: If I'm being honest, can I say that God is and always will be enough for me? Not on a superficial level, but when I really and truly think about it, can I say that God is and always will be enough for me?

My initial answer? I'm not completely sure.

There are so many earthly things I yearn for in my heart of hearts that seem unattainable at this present time, but I know it's because I am letting myself see with my eyes and not my heart. I am allowing myself to see what material things God has blessed other people with, stirring up this game of comparison and questioning if I am even worthy to posses these things...and I lose sight of the things which are eternal, things which are unseen that are so much more valuable than any amount of money, a dream job, or dream spouse could be worth. And so I have to ask myself over and over again, is God truly enough for me?

My actual answer? God is enough for me no matter where I am, what I have, or what I am doing. God is enough for me because my hope is in him, the God of my salvation. Paul writes in Romans 8:24-25, "Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience." The waiting game has become something I am familiar with. Waiting on God to show me something, waiting on God to hear something, waiting on
God for....fill in the blank. And I continue to wait because I know I am waiting for something I can't see right now, because if I could see it that's where my focus would be at and I know I would miss something wonderful.

And so in my waiting, God is enough.
And so in my waiting, God will continue to be enough because my hope is in him and not earthly things which are seen
And in my waiting, God is faithful even when I am faithless because that's just who he is and no amount of my human doubt or frustration or rage is going to change that because he simply is.

Where does your hope lie today? Is it in the material possessions you are striving after because you think they will make you "happy"? Is your hope in trying to obtain the next level (whatever that looks like for you), or in obtaining a relationship that you think will make you "happy"?

Or are you finding your hope on the solid rock who is Christ, on his blood and righteousness?
Are you finding your hope in the things which are eternal, the things which are unseen?
Find your hope on the Solid Rock who is Christ.

Happy Monday friends.

"It doesn't matter what I feel, it doesn't matter what I see, my hope will always be in Your promises to me."


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